
Initial Issue of Certificate of Airworthiness

New aircraft will require an acceptance check by an IGSA inspector, the work to be recorded on IGSA Form 200. An EASA Form 52 and factory issued Weight and Balance will be required.

Used aircraft will require an annual check and CofA inspection, the work to be recorded on IGSA Form 200. A thorough examination of the aircraft log books and records is required to establish the aircraft’s history and to determine compliance with mandatory inspections or modifications.

New and Used Gliders will require an Self Declared Maintenance Programme, SDMP. Consult the IGSA for assistance with developing an SDMP. Note the previous MPLA-G has been superseded but existing MPLAs will continue to be valid.

If the glider is imported from another EU country, the ARC remains valid until it expires. The IAA will annotate the ARC with the glider’s new registration.

The glider should be checked for compliance with all IGSA airworthiness requirements, including:

  • Colour coding of controls
  • Instrument presentation and calibration
  • Compass swing and deviation

The glider should be weighed on import and a Weight and Centre of Gravity Schedule produced in English. (The factory weighing report is acceptable for new aircraft).

The CofA paperwork should be forwarded to the IAA for processing.

The following documents are required:

Import from another EU state:

  • IAA Form AWSD.F.104B requesting issue of a CofA.
  • Weight and CofG schedule in English Form 208
  • Form 203 for requesting and certifying the W&B
  • Copy of current CofA issued by the exporting country
  • The current ARC issued by the exporting country, if valid.
  • Current Inspection fee.
  • Copy of the Radio Licence (if installed)
  • Any other supporting documentation or reports.

Import From outside the EU

  • IAA Form AWSD.F.104B
  • Weight and CofG schedule in English Form 208
  • Form 203 for requesting and certifying the W&B
  • Export CofA issued by the exporting country
  • Current Inspection fee.
  • Copy of the Radio Licence (if installed)
  • Any other supporting documentation or reports.

ARC Expired

If the ARC of the imported glider has expired, then

  • The IGSA will need to perform a full ARC review, complete section 6 of the F.104.B, and issue the ARC on a CoA has been issued.
  • Complete IGSA Work Order in form 112 requesting ARC review.

After successful import

The glider must have a current Certificate of Release to Service (CRS). This can be issued by the IGSA following an Inspection on form 200.