Inspection FAQ

 Irish Gliding & Soaring Association

 How do I organise an annual inspection of my glider?

You, the OWNER, will need to:

  1. Contact the IGSA CAO who will arrange for Certified Staff (CS) to maintain and inspect your glider,
  2. Sign a Work Order contained with the form – Form 200 (Annual) or Form 203 (other work).
  3. Liaise with the CS re the required maintenance and inspection,
  4. Have all flights to date written into the log-book,
  5. Check for any new ADs which may have been issued since the last inspection,
  6. Confirm that your flight / maintenance manual is up to date,
  7. Check that any instruments which require calibration (for most gliders, these are the ASI & the altimeter) are within their specified periodic calibration window,
  8. Provide CS with a copy of the insurance certificate,
  9. File all of the above documents (including any Form 1s, Certificates of Conformity, instrument calibrations, etc.) in the glider maintenance file.
  10. If an MPLA is in use, review the MPLA and complete a PARCL from.
  11. Pay the appropriate fee

The Certifying Staff will :

  1. Inspect the aircraft,
  2. Complete Form 200 Glider Annual Maintenance Workpack, which will include details of all work done and use Form 202 to record actions and independent inspections.
  3. Complete Form 208 (if the glider has been re-weighed as part of the annual),
  4. Check that the flight/maintenance manual is the current version,
  5. Insert the appropriate entries into the log-book to record the work which has taken place (i.e. the maintenance (including any ADs) & the inspection.
  6. Hand completed documents including the CRS to the owner
  7. Retain a copy of the workpack and store a copy in the IGSA files both physical and cloud.

How do I organise an ARC review for my glider?

The Airworthiness Review for your glider will be performed at the same time as the annual maintenance.

  1. The Airworthiness Review Officer (ARO) will liaise with you re a suitable time for the review,
  2. Sign the workorder contained within the Form 200
  3. The ARO will review all the documentation presented, with a number of elements examined in detail,
  4. A physical survey of the glider will also take place,
  5. Review the SDMP if one is in use, using a Form 221. The ARO may recommend revision the SDMP.
  6. If all is well, the ARO will then issue the ARC and advise the IAA.
  7. Retain a copy of the 112 form, SDMP review and ARC in the IGSA Files.

And What do I do Then?

Fly it.